Rock Paper Scissor

  • Tech Stack: Python, scikit-learn, numpy, pandas, open-cv, keras, tensorflow, MediaPipe, TKinter
  • Github URL: Project Link

The Rock-Paper-Scissor game with AI is an interactive game built using Python with TensorFlow, OpenCV (cv2), Mediapipe, Tkinter, and an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach. The game allows users to play against an AI opponent in real-time.


  • Real-Time Interaction: Engage in a Stone-Paper-Scissor game with the AI in real-time.
  • AI Opponent: Utilizes TensorFlow for AI-powered decision-making.
  • Computer Vision (CV2): Integrates OpenCV and Mediapipe for real-time hand gesture recognition.
  • User-Friendly Interface:: Built with Tkinter for a simple and visually appealing user experience.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Approach: Ensures a modular and organized codebase.